Monday, January 31, 2011

And I'll be your girl if you say it's a gift and you give me some more of your drugs

I write about sex a lot, I've noticed. I don't really know why, since it doesn't figure into my life a whole helluva lot. Sadly. I haven't really had any kind of good/pleasing experience with sex, so I don't really understand what all the hubbub is about. The only good sexual experience I had, I was really drunk, and it really shouldn't have happened with the person it happened with.

I'm really quite indifferent to the whole experience, despite the amount that I talk/complain about it. More like I have no real feeling towards it whatsoever. Yeah, I can think about it and have my little fantasies and whatnot, but when it happens in reality... nothing.

So I focus on other things, like my unhealthy obsession with Star Wars and my unhealthy attraction to a fictional character. Granted, this character is Han Solo, but he's fictional. And I need to get a good grip on reality and get a real life. Unfortunately fantasy world is a much nicer place. I don't have to be me.

In other news, my Big/best friend is leaving the country until May. I don't really know what I'll do without her. She pulls me out of my shell and out of my room. As much as I love my pledgesisters, very few of them make me want to hang out with them. Especially when they shit talk me to one of my best friends and teammates. Bitch.

But my Big is leaving the country. It shall be lonely without her, but I hope she has a fantabulous time. And that the Latin lovers don't give her AIDS.

Also, I have just started my 4th semester of college. I had a review day in one class, and the other class got cancelled. It's about to be a snowpocalypse tomorrow/this week, so here's to hoping that more classes are cancelled.

The school is having Greek life sign-ups this week, which means we will soon get pledges, and my pledge class and I can stop being the sorority's bitches. We'll have new girls to fill that role. And, despite the fact that I haven't shaved my legs since Christmas because of swimming and that I have zero chance regardless, here's to hoping I make poor life choices on Bid Night. Preferably with someone good-looking. And I won't see for a long time to save myself some embarrassment.